Sunday 19 November 2017

This Week in Grade 2
Dear Parents –
We have a few special events happening to make for another exciting week at school.  
Thank you to the parents who are coming in this week to help students make their Christmas tree ornaments.  This is a wonderful way to kick off the holiday season at Melawati.
We have our Mini Academies scheduled for Thursday, November 23.  Thank you to the parents who volunteered to lead an activity.  These are always special events and the kids love learning from our very talented parent community.

Just as a reminder, our Home Learning is posted on our blog.  While these activities are optional, students are encouraged to complete one activity of their choice each week.  Students have an opportunity to share their activities each week and we’ve really enjoyed looking at some of the projects students have brought in to class.  

Learning Celebration
Mark your calendars!  Our Grade 2 Learning Celebration is scheduled for Friday, December 8 from 10:10 – 10:45.  Students will have the opportunity to share with you some math games, addition and subtraction strategies, and problem solving strategies that they’ve been learning this semester.  An invitation with an RSVP will be sent closer to the date so we can determine how many parents will attend.

Language Arts
In our Reader’s Workshop students will continue practicing reading and discussing books with their partner. We’ll work on strategies to help students hold onto their thinking when reading longer books. Students will practice writing their ideas, questions, and thinking on sticky notes throughout the book and at the end of chapters.  These notes form the basis of collaborative conversations with their reading partner.
We continue our work writing like scientists this week. With a new experiment this week, students will have an opportunity to continue to develop their skills writing the procedures.  We’ll emphasize the importance of using exact measurements, science vocabulary and detailed steps as we write our procedures.

This week we reviewed all three forms of story problems: change unknown, start unknown and result unknown. Students are now experts on setting up the right equation, showing their work and writing answers with units. They draw base ten blocks, write number lines and equations to show  thinking. We continue to review our addition and subtraction facts through games, quick images, times tests and sharing tricks. Please continue practicing at home. Next week we will move into subtraction with regrouping and subtraction word problems.

This week we continue learning about the differences between physical and chemical changes.  Through our readings and experiments, we’ll explore how chemical changes are irreversible and create a new substance.  During our experiments this week, students will have an opportunity to see matter go through both physical and chemical changes.  

Important Dates
Here’s a peek at our week ahead:
Monday (Day 5) – PE
Tuesday (Day 6) – Library and Ornament decoration
Wednesday (Day 1) – Swimming
Thursday (Day 2) – World Language
Friday (Day 3) – PE

Dinner Questions
What are the 3 R’s to being safe?  What do they mean?
What are some chemical changes that you might see at home?  How do you know?
Practice a reading partnership with your parents.  What are some questions you can ask them about the book you read?  

Saturday 4 November 2017

This Week in Grade 2
Dear Parents –

We celebrated two celebrations this week Halloween and Deepavali. The students studies each and got to witness a wonderful dance show with some yummy treats and traditions for Deepavali. They created books on Book Creator about them they will share with you at the end of the year with all their celebrations. They got to do 3 science experiments and lab reports this year and on Friday earned 10 stars and voted for a art party=) Pretty creative bunch! For Wondering Wednesday we got to learn about dry ice, pretty fascinating!

Language Arts
Alongside fluency that we practiced last week, students paid attention to the dialogue tags and adjusted their tone to the mood of the character. Students require comprehension skills in order to be able to adjust their tone appropriately. Another aspect of fluency that is important to practice is reading the text with a just right pace. Students listened to their own reading on the Ipad and completed their fluency checklist.

Procedural writing continues with their science experiment this week. Students learned that writing a question and a hypothesis is the first step to their lab report. Important elements to include in their procedural writing would be the transition words such as first, next, later, finally and next to these words, they need to the action (verb) that they do such as put, pour, take etc.

This week students finished learning about how to add two double digit numbers both with and without regrouping. We practiced showing our thinking with pictures and numbers and including appropriate equations. Students use number bonds of tens and ones, base ten block pictures and number lines to solve problems and even still many use manipulatives. We have also focused a lot of time on fact fluency but the class is still working on becoming more automatic with facts.

Students tried different ways to change matter from solid to liquid this week. Some ways that the students explored with were putting ice under a hair dryer, putting it in the oven, under the sun, breaking it into small pieces. They timed how long it took to melt the ice and compared how long it took with the variety of ways. Students followed the scientific process while doing this experiment.

Important Dates
Monday Nov 6th - P.E. swimming
Friday, 10th Nov - International Flag Parade - Your child can come to school wearing
their traditional outfit from your country.
Parents are welcome to watch the parade from 8:15 - 9:15 a.m.

Dinner Questions
What did you learn about dry ice? Which form of heat was the fastest way to melt ice?

Saturday 28 October 2017

This Week in Grade 2
We had a fun week learning about what scientists do and how we are all scientists. We observed how and why popcorn pops, experimented with Root beer floats(yum) observed ice cubes melting and condensing on a metal plate above a kettle and watch a phenomenon with hot water and a balloon. We also got to celebrate Rushdan's birthday and learn some new Apps on the Ipad. We are getting into our new units which means new partners and new reading and math groups.

Thank you all so much for commenting on Seesaw as well as signing up for mini academies! Your support is always appreciated. I do a lot of communication through Seesaw so please try to check it every so often=)

Language Arts
As readers we have started “amping up our reading power” by paying extra special attention to our fluency and how we are reading our books.  Our lessons focused on being mindful of our fluency as we read with others or in our heads, pay attention to punctuation and word strings to scoop up our reading in larger phrases and pausing at appropriate times, and where dialog is present in our texts reading like the characters.  This fluency work will continue into next week.

As writers we started exploring the way scientists document their work and their thinking by introducing lab reports.  Our main focus for this week was the procedural aspect where the students observed and then wrote “how to make popcorn” including using diagrams with labels, a list of materials needed, and the detailed steps involved in the process.  We will keep building on the this work to include all the different aspects of lab reports like the question, hypothesis, results, and conclusion.

In math we introduced addition strategies with single and double digits without regrouping. Students will NOT do traditional algorithms till grade 4 so please do not teach them in this way. They need a conceptual understanding first in concrete ways before moving into abstract. They learned how to add by drawing and building base 10 blocks, using number lines as well as breaking numbers into tens and ones. Next week we will work on regrouping and then move into story problems.

In science we started our investigation into matter and the difference states of it (solid, liquid, gas) through a series of small experiments. We will unpack how matter can change states and the difference between physical and chemical changes in the coming weeks by conducting further experiments.  It is my hope that all the students see themselves as scientists and that by asking questions and investigating they are open and excited to explore the wonders of the world around them.

Important Dates

On Monday, October 30th we will have our Mini-Academies.  
On Tuesday, October 31st we will have a Halloween bash.  Students are allowed to
come to school wearing costumes however in order to be sensitive to our diverse
beliefs and cultures we ask you to be mindful of the following:
  • No scary costumes, blood, weapons
On Friday, November 3rd the Melawati campus will be celebrating Deepawali
with hallway activities and an Elementary wide assembly at 11:00.  Parents are
welcome and encouraged to join us.
*Some students have brought home photos, they are slowly being handed to us.
Please check their bags.

Dinner Questions
What are the traits of a scientist?
What does it mean to read fluently?
Tell me about how scientists write?
What strategies can you use to solve addition problems?

Friday 20 October 2017

This Week in Grade 2
Dear Parents –
Hope you are having a wonderful holiday break. We are enjoying a staycation after multiple weekends away coaching. We had a fun two days in grade 2 launching all of our new units. Next week there is NO SCHOOL MONDAY and students will get to be in the labs and writing like scientists. We will be exploring liquids, solids and gases.
              As we continue to do Word Inquiry and handwriting time every other day and weave in some grammar and word sorting I came across this as a top trend that people were reading. It’s a really interesting article.

Follow Up on Conferences
Here are resources that many of you asked me about at conferences. I wanted to send them to everyone, as some common themes came up=)
       One thing many of you asked for or I recommended was some problem solving, rich or challenge tasks where students are applying knowledge in a new way. Here are a few websites for now with some good activities. We just did our first 3 act task on Friday and they loved it. Click on links below, I will send additional ones each week.

There were a lot of concerns with library books. I believe students should have a lot of choice during library time. These books may be a bit uphill and need to be read together with you. However, I will ensure students pick different genres and the levels are not too high or too low starting this coming week=)
      Please remember that for the 20 minutes of reading, students have loggins and enjoy RAZ kids reading, Tumblebooks and Big Universe which I have linked below. We will start using Epic soon.

Language Arts
We started our new reading Unit with a huge emphasis on fluency. We will also get into literary language. Check out our videos on Seesaw and our class video to Dr. Hudson reading Shoo Fly!

This week we also begin our next writing unit:  Lab Reports and Science Writing.  This unit will give students an opportunity to explore scientific procedural writing using the scientific method as a framework to help them elaborate each part of the scientific process.  The unit begins with an introduction to how-to writing, where students will be asked to think about something that they know how to do, and to write a text to teach others how to do it.

This week we start our second math unit:  Becoming Fluent with Addition and Subtraction.  During this unit students will learn how addition and subtraction are related, and learn strategies for solving two-digit addition and subtraction problems.  Our unit begins with a review of problem solving strategies and vocabulary.  The emphasis during these first few days will be on how to identify the operation needed to solve a story problem, and how to adequately explain our thinking.  In grade 2, students are expected to solve story problems by using a picture, equation and answer, which includes a number and label.  It is important for students to continue practicing their basic addition and subtraction facts to help them become more successful solving two-digit addition and subtraction problems encountered in this unit.


We are also beginning our first science unit:  Changes in Matter. In this unit we will explore properties of solids, liquids, and gases, and the differences between chemical and physical changes.  We’ll spend a few days before break tuning into our unit with simple demonstrations to help students think like a scientist and introduce them to the scientific method.  Students will also be introduced to our science labs to learn about how to use the space and the equipment safely while they conduct their experiments.

Important Dates
Important dates

  • Wednesday, Oct. 18 – 23rd October Break
  • October 30th Mini Academies
  • October 31st ISKL Dress Up day
  • November 3rd: Deepavali culture day, dress up day and assembly

Dinner Questions
What do Scientists do? What are you most interested in exploring about liquids, solids and gases?
What does it mean to read fluently?
Could you teach me how to do something here at dinner? What are the steps?

Saturday 7 October 2017

This Week in Grade 2
Dear Parents –
I hope you had a great weekend.  We’re coming up on two shortened weeks, so this update will cover the next two weeks. Please expect the next update to be for the week of Oct. 23.
This week was full of finishing up our units which meant assessments and celebrations. We had our math assessment, on demand writing, prepared our writing for a publishing celebration and created expert reading posters on Comic Life for younger students to view. They have been busy creating their ideal community via posters and on the App Explain Everything. We got to interview a very special leader Dr. Hudson on leadership skills and what her job is like. On Wondering Wednesday they each got to research on Wonderopolis and post their own wonderings. The class earned 10 stars and voted on a nature party…..only this group would get a kick out of finding spiders, slugs, insects and flowers to oooh and aah over=)
If your travel plans require your child to miss school, please let me know as this will help with planning our lessons over the next two weeks

Language Arts
We’ll spend the next two weeks introducing students to our second reading unit:  Building Better Readers.  This unit focuses on the important foundational reading skills of fluency, literary language, and maneuvering tricky texts.  We will begin by working on reading punctuation, adding tone and making sure students understand pace.

This week we also begin our next writing unit:  Lab Reports and Science Writing.  This unit will give students an opportunity to explore scientific procedural writing using the scientific method as a framework to help them elaborate each part of the scientific process.  The unit begins with an introduction to how-to writing, where students will be asked to think about something that they know how to do, and to write a text to teach others how to do it.

This week we start our second math unit:  Becoming Fluent with Addition and Subtraction.  During this unit students will learn how addition and subtraction are related, and learn strategies for solving two-digit addition and subtraction problems.  Our unit begins with a review of problem solving strategies and vocabulary.  The emphasis during these first few days will be on how to identify the operation needed to solve a story problem, and how to adequately explain our thinking.  In grade 2, students are expected to solve story problems by using a picture, equation and answer, which includes a number and label.  It is important for students to continue practicing their basic addition and subtraction facts to help them become more successful solving two-digit addition and subtraction problems encountered in this unit.

Social Studies
Our social studies unit on Communities is coming to an end and students are busy completing their assessment where they were asked to create a community and think about various aspects of their community, such as leadership, rules and laws, citizenship, goods and services, and interdependence.  Students will have an opportunity to share their projects with their peers.

We are also beginning our first science unit:  Changes in Matter.   In this unit we will explore properties of solids, liquids, and gases, and the differences between chemical and physical changes.  We’ll spend a few days before break tuning into our unit with simple demonstrations to help students think like a scientist and introduce them to the scientific method.  Students will also be introduced to our science labs to learn about how to use the space and the equipment safely while they conduct their experiments.

Important Dates
Important dates
  • Here’s a peek at the next two weeks:
  • Monday, Oct. 9 – No School; Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • Tuesday, Oct. 10 – No School; Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • Wednesday, Oct. 11 (Day 5)
  • Thursday, Oct. 12 (Day 6)
  • Friday, Oct. 13 (Day 1)
  • Monday, Oct. 16 (Day 2)
  • Tuesday, Oct. 17 (Day 3)
  • Wednesday, Oct. 18 – October Break begins

Dinner Questions
What was the best part of our parent-teacher conference?  Why?
Tell me about one of your lessons with Mrs. Wright.
What is your favorite app to use in class?  Why?  How do you use it?

Saturday 30 September 2017

Mrs. Pike’s 2nd Grade Newsletter

Volume  4- September 25th-29th

This Week in Grade 2
We had a fun and busy week in grade 2! The students loved their first Mini Academies in grade 2! They were busy having fun and participating in everything from the Science of bottle flipping and cooking Thai dessert to making Gak and Batik painting. THANK YOU to all the parents who volunteered their time and creativity to make Mini Academies enjoyable and successful for everyone.   There are still plenty of opportunities to sign up for upcoming mini academies each month. On Friday we also had our annual birthday bash celebrating all of our September birthdays.
        Please make sure you look in your child’s take home folder for your conference time notice letter. Read the letter and sign and return it in your child’s folder this week so that we can ensure you are able to attend the conference time listed.
         On Monday we will have a new Home Learning Menu. Please remember your child must read for 20 minutes each night but the home learning menu items are optional. If an activity is completed, students may bring finished work into class or you can email us a photo and or video. The kids really enjoy sharing and celebrating home learning with the class during our morning meeting time.

Language Arts
Our readers have been noticing and naming powerful craft moves that writers are using in their
own books and how to try these out in their own writing. We also explored how books have a
way of “clicking together” in predictable ways and student again practiced the important skill
of retelling stories in order with details. We reviewed the importance of monitoring our own reading
and now that we are more grown up, we reread and fix our own mistakes. Students read in their
partnerships this week and saw the usefulness of having a buddy to help remind them of mistakes
or give tips on how to decode a tricky word. Our writers have been busily writing narrative stories
with interesting beginnings, powerful words and interesting details and punctuation that they
are finding in during reading time. It is fun to watch them try out different ways of making their
writing more fun to read and feel the power of mimicking famous authors.

This week we continued to review math skills such as skip counting, comparing numbers, modeling numbers in different ways and fact fluency as we wrap up this unit next week. Students were challenged further with some rich tasks, problem solving activities and riddles utilizing their knowledge of Base Ten in new ways. Continuing to support students at home with skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s from various numbers up and down orally will help them improve these skills. Also, finding fun ways to weave in addition and subtraction practice into games and activities at home will help students become more fluent.  

Social Studies
This week in our communities unit students discussed qualities in a good leader as well as
important laws or rules of a community. Our own school leaders will soon be interviewed by our
students as they continue to explore what it takes to be successful and fair leaders and responsible
citizens. Students continue to work on designing their own communities with their ideal leaders
and laws as well as services their community provides.

Important Dates
Important dates
  • Important Dates
  • October 2nd -New Home Learning Posted
  • October 9th and 10th- No School Parent and Student  3 way conferences

Dinner Questions
1 - What are the most important qualities in a good and fair leader?
2- What laws do you think are the most important in a community? Why?
3- What is something that you are curious about that you would like to explore more?